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Page 17 Reviews 460 - 490

Rated with 1 star

Verified Reviewer

Original review: Feb. 22, 2019

I placed a $3K in-store (Pittsburgh, PA) order 2/7/19 and, because they were heavy items, requested delivery. I first explicitly asked the Ikea rep if the delivery service would evangelize the items to the bedroom (2nd flooring) where they would exist assembled. She indicated that the delivery service would practice so. The visitor chosen with a delivery window and again near 30 min. from my house - which was cracking - but the 2 men would not take the boxes to the sleeping accommodation. One of the men said "Lady, nosotros ain't taking these upward no steps. We're putting them in the first dry room nearest the door."

And so, now I accept to pay someone to carry the boxes upstairs then that they can be assembled, as they are too heavy for me to carry. My endeavour to contact IKEA was unsuccessful - only got a message that there were too many customer service calls and to endeavour again. I'yard going to attempt to contact them later tonight to get return of some of commitment fee. Bottom line...if you don't have to utilise delivery service for IKEA... Don't!

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Rated with 1 star

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Original review: Feb. 18, 2019

I was given a gift menu as a altogether present. I had only moved countries to Italy and the card was mislaid in the clearing upwardly. IKEA very kindly replaced the card Only afterwards having to wait 1 YEAR to make certain nobody had used it (air plenty). Milan IKEA legal department replaced this carte du jour towards the stop of last year (2018) and I accept been trying since then to actuate the bill of fare. I am being sent from one email accost to another, seven and so far, even as far every bit the United states and NOBODY, But NOBODY is helping me. Does anybody take any suggestions. I desire to purchase goods simply not unless I can use this bill of fare.

Rated with 1 star

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Verified Reviewer

Original review: Feb. 17, 2019

Place an guild in-store on February xiv and insisted it was for delivery and assembly. On February 16, 2 people evidence at the scheduled fourth dimension and announce they will assemble simply 1 of six pieces of furniture. They besides stated they were not certified IKEA assemblers. I had to drive back to the shop (Live Oak) considering there was no answer on the phone number provided and in that location was a message to visit the website, then wait 48-72 hours for a respond.

In the store, two employees set the order, charge a new amount for assembly because there was an error in how the employees on Feb 14 entered it. An assembly date was scheduled for today February 17 between eight and 12. By 1 p.thou. I made telephone calls to North American Logistics (subcontracted by IKEA to deliver and assemble). A dispatcher stated she would phone call when she got a hold of the driver. Eventually I received a text message from ane of the people who delivered boxes the day before, stating at that place were many issues with the trucks and it would be some three hours to arrive. It is 4:thirty p.g. and still no ane has shown up.

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Rated with 1 star

Verified Reviewer

Original review: February. 16, 2019

I have been trying to place an guild for 2 days now and finally decided to call IKEA because I tin't complete the social club online. My online problem is that in one case I complete the order and summate the shipping I have the option to "brainstorm checkout" which I practice select. I and so see the screen with my billing accost and IKEA FAMILY menu number and I practise click the checkboxes to confirm the privacy policy and receiving emails. Then I click the "save and proceed to commitment box" which takes me back to the previous screen without the aircraft calculation and an error message that reads "an unknown mistake has occurred. Please try again later or contact customer service." And then after trying all day yesterday and again today I decided to telephone call customer service; however, I get a bulletin that says "due to loftier call book they can't accept my telephone call!"

How am I supposed to society anything if I can't do it online and I tin can't speak to a customer service representative? I can't even leave a message that gets the club placed because they might respond to this email inside 48-72 hours and the sale ends two/18/2019. I might be able to complete the transaction if I opted to go to the closest location and pick the lodge up myself; even so, that's a 220-mile roundtrip taking a minimum of four hours and at least $18 worth of gas plus wear and tear on my vehicle. Pitiful that I can't complete the order online AND get it delivered!! And I sent them ii email letters considering their system did not transport me an acknowledgment of my first message and maybe it isn't set up to practise and then. This is NOT customer service!!! This is a disservice to Everyone who would like to shop with IKEA just can't.

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Rated with 1 star

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Verified Reviewer

Original review: February. 11, 2019

It has taken over a month, well-nigh 2 hours in phone chosen, multiple deliveries, refusal to disbelieve the product despite all the terrible inconvenience, changes of delivery dates, and I am still non certain if I have all the parts I ordered. Worst delivery experience I have e'er had. If what y'all want is more expensive elsewhere, pay it. IKEA cheaper prices aren't worth all the hassle of getting the production to y'all. Customer service is ever friendly and they desire to help but they weren't able to get information technology fixed with the delivery company. The manager was the least helpful and refused to discount the production, stating "I can't lower the cost" fifty-fifty though it was full price (not on auction).

Rated with 1 star

Verified Reviewer

Original review: Feb. 9, 2019

I purchased a burrow at IKEA and it was never delivered. Both the IKEA company and its delivery partner denied having the item. They blamed each other for the problem. I will never purchase another IKEA product afterwards waiting for delivery on 4 separate occasions and never receiving the burrow. The commitment visitor didn't even bother to call me to tell me that they wouldn't be coming. Information technology was a huge waste matter of fourth dimension. IKEA says that they volition give me a refund equally soon every bit the delivery team returns the couch. The delivery visitor says that they don't have the burrow because when they went to pick it up, IKEA didn't have information technology. Don't waste your time!

Rated with 1 star

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Verified Reviewer

Original review: Feb. 9, 2019

I would similar to highlight two major concerns: ane) Poor Food Hygiene (BFH & PIC Level down) 2) Rude/Neglective Customer Service Reps. To address point 1:

I visited IKEA store in Festival City for the first time. May I highlight, the background I come from is that of a hotel/eating place industry, BFH (Basic Food Hygiene) is a core. It was absolutely appalling to run across how the food is adulterated and violated under the Dubai Municipality standards. I was planning on having the mixed vegetables and chips.

I saw ane lady from the ** mayhap, taking on order for a lady alee of me, who asked for veg balls and mix vegetables, the lady poured meat balls and vegetables. The customer so decided to modify the order so, this chef who was serving puts the meat back in the sheffing dish and the vegetables that were touched past meat in the vegetable sheffing dish. It was a horrific experience.

I am a vegan, vegatarian past selection and allergic to dairy. I can't find the food that fits me I become with chips and I take no qualms about that. I had asked the Filipino lady chef for a plate of chips. She served craven $.25 with chips on information technology. And then I corrected her saying but chips please, she only took off the chicken, I had to tell her how could you mix veg and non veg? She made a face and gave me just the chips in a new plate. I had my concerns with the food cariosity and had to give it abroad. My concern here is, how come up such a large make not have their staffs equipped with BFH, it is the foundation of running a food industry.

To address point ii: The people over the counter on the basis flooring are rude too. They sound like tape-recorders or machines, have no sense of human touch whatsoever. Either they accept no help and are working extra hours (unpaid), or dissatisfied with their employer. I don't suppose later on this I will ever visit the counter/store ever once more. IKEA may have proficient products and perhaps the business is doing well too, but if the people who correspond them are non trained well or not happy it only speaks ill of IKEA as a business firm. Thank you for reading.

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Rated with 1 star

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Original review: Feb. 5, 2019

You get a unlike answer as to why you lot don't have your items or where they are or when they might perchance get there every time you call. I had the society split into two, unlike instance numbers assigned to different situations, disagreements over who had the item or what item was even ordered or which items had or hadn't been delivered. They don't seem to have access to an itemized receipt or itemized proof of delivery and the different departments don't coordinate with each other. They don't have their ain shipping company then they hire information technology out to, it seems, whoever is cheapest. Those companies will say y'all get to choice a commitment window, then assign you a different window, then show up early, late or not at all. It truly is not worth your fourth dimension or coin to order from them. You will spend hours on the phone and the onus is entirely on you to figure out what the hell happened. Either pick information technology up in person or don't go it at all.

Rated with 1 star

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Verified Reviewer

Original review: Feb. 1, 2019

I'chiliad always shocked at the terrible level of quality and durability of Ikea products. Every single one of their material products I've e'er purchased, carpets, rugs, towels, sheets basically anything made of any synthetic material is chock-full of chemicals. I've spent thousands and thousands of dollars at Ikea, their return policy is horrendous. They seem nigh intentionally drastically understaffed, at that place'due south always a huge expect, they fifty-fifty have a number organisation if that tells y'all annihilation most how long the wait is. I've just tried to return a single item in my entire consumer live at Ikea, a $299 carpeting that had a tiny hardened spot probably ane centimeter big that they claimed was a paint stain, the nearly ridiculous thing I've ever heard, it was the exact same color equally the carpet material was probably there from the time that I purchased information technology. They're similar whatever other horrible big corporation that finds whatsoever excuse and take your money merely not give it back.

Rated with 1 star

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Original review: Jan. 31, 2019

I ordered few large rugs online and they came in a large plastic compartment. The driver came 4 60 minutes earlier than time slot specified by them and so they left the box at my house. The box says to contact IKEA for choice-up and so I did. The response came equally below: "As it turns out, we would be unable to suit for this package to be picked up. We would recommend searching your Yellow Pages for removal services. Nosotros apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause you." Now, I'm left with unwanted 2x8 ft compartment sitting in my garage. They have primitive logistics and are surprisingly irresponsible.

Rated with 1 star

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Original review: Jan. 29, 2019

I had ordered items from Ikea online and information technology'southward been 10 days my order got placed. It just have 1 and half hr drive to the store and I don't know why it is taking forever to deliver my order. They have charged 99$ for shipping and this is the service they are providing. I had contacted the Ikea support around 5 times and all they were saying was the shipment has left their distribution middle. This is the answer that I had received for sequent iii days. I am not getting proper update on my shipment. This is not at all worthy, 99$ is not a modest amount. I would take gone with Amazon which was my all fourth dimension favorite. They promise to deliver items quickly with low charge. I am hating myself for choosing Ikea this time.

Rated with 1 star

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Original review: Jan. 25, 2019

Purchased 4 chairs from IKEA online, that came to $205. They charged me 3 times from my account and ended up taking $615, which was all the money I had for 2 weeks. Mistakes happen I understand that. So I called IKEA and they said information technology will all be refunded into my account. $205 was returned to me and that was all. I've been calling up IKEA and they say "the residue will exist in tomorrow or the adjacent twenty-four hours". So I waited and 1 week's past and still haven't seen the money. Called them up again and they said "nosotros don't know when it will exist back in your account" and "there's not much I can do." So now I've got no money in my account to pay for annihilation and unsure of when to wait anything in my account. Great piece of work IKEA.

Rated with 1 star

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Original review: Jan. 24, 2019

I love Ikea, but I have spent the final iv weeks trying to receive a commitment. The number of ways they take screwed this up would be comical if it hadn't involved about 20 hrs of my time and literally dozens of phone calls. Brusque story is online order sat in purgatory, never placed. When I contact them to try to understand what was going on, they agreed nothing had happened with the order but that now it was too late to abolish the order (because I would just bulldoze to the store and get what I wanted...) Then I received confirmation of the delivery window and proceeded to wait at my dwelling for a full 12 hours. No delivery. No Call. Spent 54 minutes on telephone hold without getting a human. The next day I called and the robot said my order had been canceled.

And so I tried again. I placed the order on the telephone and scheduled a delivery appointment seven days later. I received several automated telephone calls that didn't go out a bulletin and recognized the number every bit the shipper. I called the shipper and they confirmed that they had me on the schedule for the proper twenty-four hours, merely that they had not received the merchandise (this is the day earlier the confirmed commitment date) and so they didn't believe there would exist a shipment. They recommended I contact Ikea. I did so and the Ikea rep said that the merch had not left Ikea warehouse and that once it did, information technology would exist 24-72 hours before it would ship from the delivery service to me. She said there was no chance I would become it on the delivery day. Today is that mean solar day, I received and electronic mail at 6am saying that the items had shipped from Ikea and would be delivered today.

I called Ikea at 9am to ask whether I would receive the commitment today and they said, repeatedly, that there was zero chance information technology would be delivered today. Cutting to afterward when I receive an automated phone call from the commitment service saying that they would be at my business firm in v-30 minutes. I was 25 minutes from habitation so I raced to automobile and speed dwelling with Ikea on the line. The Ikea person got in touch with the commitment service while I was on hold and confirmed that the truck was on its way to me. He would not become in bear upon with them to tell them that I was racing habitation. I got dwelling house and waited a chip, no truck, and am at present 30 minutes into a call with Ikea.

In this phone call I take been told "for certain" two totally contradictory things (that the shipper has my merchandise, and that they practice non) and accused of lying. She is now agreeing that office of what she told me is wrong, merely is still non articulate if my trade is on a truck to me or non. I honestly can't express my dissatisfaction enough about the terminal month of Ikea drama. This is not acceptable on whatsoever level and I feel and then frustrated at the disability of whatsoever Ikea employee to have responsibility for and control of the situation to resolve it.

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Rated with 1 star

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Original review: Jan. 22, 2019

I got some of my pieces I bought delivered today. Two guys came for commitment. One box fell down the manner they stacked upward. I guy was merely interested in getting an assembly business from me in spite of me telling him 5 times that I don't demand anyone. He kept insisting how difficult it is, how fourth dimension taking it will be, how much patience I will need, yadda yadda.

And then I saw I ordered many things and box looked few. I told him I demand to check what all are delivered as I was expecting all my purchase to be delivered. He got impatient. He said he does not have time to await. I told I have to cheque characterization of what is delivered every bit the boxes expect few compared to my purchase. He said he has no time for me to check and without even taking my delivery signature thrust another paper on my paw and to the delivery paper. Subsequently he left I saw that newspaper said that two items were not delivered as they were unavailable. I was not informed about this by company or commitment guys though it was clearly written in the paper the guy thrust in my mitt before leaving.

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Rated with 1 star

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Original review: Jan. 20, 2019

The commitment company did not show up. Calling them on the telephone led to long waits only to and so receive a recording that they are "closed" and become asunder. Called IKEA - they have a directly line to the commitment company merely are unable to get a directly respond about where my order is. Instead IKEA keeps suggesting a "wait and encounter" arroyo. No regard for the value of their customers' time.

Rated with 1 star

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Verified Reviewer

Original review: Jan. 20, 2019

I'm an Ikea member and take recently bought a Ribba picture frame. The quality of the frame is very poor, comes with no mounting hardware and there'south petty to no surface area to effectively mount the frame safely. When trying to submit a review on Ikea's website, the review page intentionally fails login credentials. If I but head to the principal login I accept no login issues. Ikea is intentionally stopping users from submitting a review. The review page also preferences five star ratings even when yous select most recent and i-2 star ratings. Very poor service Ikea!

Rated with 1 star

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Original review: Jan. xix, 2019

It took me 4 days and 5 phone calls to consequence my order online. Ikea staff also tried merely couldn't get through the payment system. The goods were not delivered on the 24-hour interval I was told in three emails later on I'd waited for 4 hours, and I received no telephone call about not delivery. On arrival the sofa bed was damaged but the plastic and cardboard wrappings were intact and so it's obviously a product fault. I took a photograph and sent it immediately but subsequently a noreply email acknowledging it, I got no response.

I got some other postal service saying they were looking into it, but no farther contact. I contacted Customer service and later a long word with the technical department my wish for a replacement was denied on the grounds that it could have been me who inflicted the damage. This is totally preposterous as I only used scissors to cut the sellotape and then removed the wrappings. Putting the blame on me is a disgraceful and underhand manner of getting out of replacing damaged goods. I have dealt with IKEA earlier but from a shop and in Denmark. 2 acquaintances here on Madeira have also had bad experiences with IKEA specifically with receiving damaged goods. I volition certainly never bargain with IKEA again, it has been a dreadful time all through the process.

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Rated with 1 star

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Original review: Jan. 18, 2019

Wow! What a scam. You purchase a souvenir carte for your daughter on your credit bill of fare that is never received. And so you try to cancel the gift carte du jour because it was not received and you are told that it may take seven-10 days to result a credit. And then they "mistakenly" overlook issuing the credit, (actually?) all the while never assuasive y'all to go through on the telephone lines. They never return your messages, e'er. They intentionally block your access to any human contact. They ship auto e-mail messages to "some" of your emails and ignore your request for contact.

After a month and a half of pestering, calling, leaving letters and emailing, I am told the process has to beginning over and it may be 7-10 days to outcome a credit. What a scam that is obviously set upwards to hold millions of dollars of other peoples money while they practice what with information technology? Hmmm... Can y'all say SEC investigation? Never, ever again. IKEA, CARDSTAR or whoever prepare this scam upwardly should go to jail. It appears that they must have had a groovy Christmas, my daughter certainly did not! We are both out of our money, all the same.

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Rated with 1 star

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Original review: Jan. 15, 2019

Recently I purchased a parasol from Ikea on the 11th of December 2018. My problem was that it did non announced to make it at the pickup point at Price Global Express Services in Bunbury, Western Australia. Ikea could not explain this and a very helpful staff member at Bunbury Cost found that it had been nerveless by another person of the same name as myself who has an Ikea account. Evidently Ikea gave his phone number on the Consignment Note instead of mine. On ringing the other person it was establish that he was overseas and wouldn't render until subsequently the New Year.

Subsequently many complaints Ikea finally sent another parasol that Price delivered to my door on the 8th January 2019 at their expense. To me this was done out of goodwill because they could see what trauma their actions had acquired me. I am near 80 years old and in very poor health and this simple mistake seriously affected my health. Finally, Ikea refunded the $20 service fee on the 12th Jan 2019 and apologized without offer more compensation. Interestingly the Aligning Note for the $20 has my address as **. I wasn't aware that I had moved to Price Global Express Services at that address.

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Rated with 1 star

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Original review: Jan. 15, 2019

Nosotros ordered $900 worth of shelving to be delivered. My married man took a 24-hour interval off for the commitment and 7 boxes were missing. He stayed home a 2d day for commitment and 1 box was still missing. After 2 hours on hold, the Ikea managing director said he arranged for the concluding box to be delivered after 6 on a Monday considering my hubby refused to take a third 24-hour interval off work. On Monday the company called around 3 and said they were gear up for drop off. When my husband explained that delivery was to take place later six, the visitor said they had other deliveries and would talk to the supervisor. They never called back and never delivered. Nosotros all the same have not received our complete social club 3 months later. When we telephone call customer service we talk to the first person who transfers united states of america to the "high call volume" bulletin which hangs up.

Rated with 5 stars

Verified Reviewer

Original review: Jan. x, 2019

I ordered iii Kallax bookshelves from United states of america. I've never ordered from them online and wanted to try it because I don't accept a big plenty truck to haul the boxes. I took a screenshot of my online order number in case the electronic mail confirmation got lost in my spam. Total shipping was $39. Later my purchase I never received a confirmation email of my order. This worried me a bit. I checked dorsum online in the client service section and was able to look up by my order number in the tracking section. (Thank goodness I had the screenshot for my order number.) It was in that location which eased my worry a little bit. Still was unsure. E-mail did finally arrive in my inbox, but was only an notification that it has shipped. No layout of what I purchased, just that it has shipped.

Side by side day I received another email that information technology is gear up to be delivered. From the asterisk in the electronic mail information technology said, "*12 hr time window: You lot will receive a phone call the 24-hour interval before the scheduled delivery date with a iv hour time window." My time in the electronic mail was a 12 hour then I assumed I'd get a phone phone call the day before. That telephone telephone call never happened. The day of delivery, I took off piece of work to brand sure I was available for the 12 hours. When I looked online, their delivery policy seems very strict about having someone at that place to sign for the delivery. I didn't want to miss it.

Since I didn't get the phone call, I started looking at IKEA reviews. Oh human being did I find then many bad ones. Now I'm getting paranoid about my shipment not arriving, or it comes damaged, or I have to call customer service and deal with that headache. My listen was racing. I thought near calling IKEA only in case to try and get the shipper's info to call them (IKEA uses a 3rd party shipping company) to become an estimate. Since from the email, I should accept received a phone call with a 4 hour window the twenty-four hour period earlier delivery. I waiting a couple hours, had lunch and and then got a telephone call. The driver was 15 mins away and letting me know. What a relief! I was so happy that at that place was some status to the delivery and I didn't desire to exist on the telephone for hours with IKEA. Commitment arrived on time and nothing was damaged. Very fast and efficient. Signed the paperwork and everything was good. No missing items.

My overall experience using has been great. Was worried at first especially reading previous reviews. I practice feel like IKEA should accept been amend with updates and the club confirmation. Makes it a little unnerving when I can't view my order when I log in and can only track it with the order number. Overall, I'thou happy everything worked out in the end. I wanted to share my feel since most of the reviews are bad.

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Rated with 1 star

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Original review: January. 9, 2019

We were and so excited to purchase our outset Ikea items, but it quickly turned into a nightmare. Nosotros ordered a bed online, also every bit a locker for our daughter. It was supposed to be delivered on Christmas Eve, but did not get delivered. I received an email stating our delivery appointment was pushed dorsum because nobody was home for the delivery (we were there all day). It was then set to exist delivered that Friday, but I again received an e-mail saying the delivery was moved to the following week past our request (we never requested this).

I then called IKEA (almost impossible to get through their customer service line) and they stated they were not showing a asking for a new delivery, that information technology must exist the 3rd party delivery company. Nosotros then contacted the delivery company and they said IKEA requested the new appointment. Nobody took responsibleness. Overall, we ended up canceling the order considering we were going to be out of town the post-obit week on vacation and wouldn't be able to be domicile. The IKEA client service rep did process our refund and informed me it takes about 14 business organization days to receive the refund, only we received it in merely over a calendar week.

Upon our render home, we decided to get online to see if our local shop had these items in stock. The site said there were nine in stock of one particular, and approx v in stock for the other. I did call to verify, in which nosotros were told the aforementioned... They were in stock. We drove the hr to the shop, merely to observe out that nothing is every bit actually in stock! We were then told to check online and so we know it's in stock, and upon telling them we did that and called, we were offered no alternative and left empty handed with a waste of gas money to go there and dorsum.

We decided to endeavor once more and go online to club all items, plus some more than. There is a 2nd shop a little over an hour from united states of america that showed everything in stock, and over again, we called to verify. Everything was in stock! Instead of driving there to pull information technology ourselves, nosotros utilized the option to have them pull our items for us and we would go selection upward at the customer service counter. We paid online with no issues and scheduled our pick upwardly for later that mean solar day.

Nevertheless... I received a telephone call from that Ikea shop to inform me that the items were not in stock (after nosotros already paid for them) and that they would not be in stock for a couple of weeks. I asked if we would exist notified by e-mail then we tin and so come up pick them up, and she said no because she had to result a total refund since they were not in stock... To bank check dorsum on the app to ensure they are in stock before nosotros reorder (we did that this time around and it said they were!).

Now we have to wait more than than a week to receive a refund. Jamie, the adult female I spoke with, informed me she would exist processing our refund yesterday, but as of today, we accept not received an email showing it has been processed and nosotros are unable to go through on the customer service line. This has been the absolute worst experience we have ever had while buying something. We will be buying furniture to furnish our home elsewhere, every bit it is pretty much impossible to buy from Ikea.

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Original review: January. 8, 2019

My $4,000 purchase has become the well-nigh frustrating experience. It is obvious that IKEA does not intendance near customer service. The desk-bound I purchased arrived damaged. Information technology happens, no worries, made arrangements for the exchange. Received delivery date, sat at home during the delivery time slot. No evidence, no telephone call, no email, nothing. Called IKEA, saturday on the telephone for over an 60 minutes on concur and through two dissever client support people I was transferred to the resolution department.

When calling or transferred to the "resolution section" you lot receive a recorded message, that due to high telephone call volume they cannot take your call and the line disconnects. I called the resolution department for two days then refused to exist transferred again. On solar day two, afterward an hour and 18 minutes on the telephone, I was able to find out that my exchange was placed on hold. I was told that the desktop was out of stock and they did not know when it would exist dorsum in stock and would be issuing me a credit after they pick upwardly the damaged desktop. I asked to speak to a managing director, every bit the desk "bottom" does me no good with a desk-bound "top." I was placed on hold to schedule a selection-up for the damaged desktop, but ended upwards in someone'southward voicemail, where I did leave a message near my problem, merely never received a callback.

At this bespeak I turned the damaged tiptop over and will utilise information technology for the time being. I don't imagine that I will ever purchase annihilation from IKEA or recommend them to anyone. When the volume of complaints is so big that you can't hold to speak to a resolutions agent, the product must be bad. Very dissatisfied. I placed my order on December quaternary 2018, and it is Jan 8, 2019 and my problem still isn't resolved.

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Original review: Jan. 5, 2019

I moved into a new business firm in 2015 and bought IKEA products for a Kitchen island and a walk-in bedroom closet. I accept sixteen 36" drawers in the closet. One of the drawers failed in December 2018 and IKEA will not help because they changed the sizes of their wardrobe offerings and no longer make a 36" drawer. Basically they left me hanging in the current of air recommending that I look online and peradventure find someone who has an erstwhile product to sell. This is not good customer service and is certainly not customer "support". I have ever been a champion for IKEA products but that has ended and they take lost this longtime client. I want to make it clear that this complaint is non nigh a collapsed drawer front, that can happen, it is nearly IKEA's complete lack of concern and support for a previously faithful customer.

Rated with 1 star

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Original review: January. 5, 2019

I ordered ii mirrors. One came broken to pieces and the other was the incorrect colour. When I called to ask to return information technology I was put on hold and then they could practice paperwork for 45 minutes! They said I would get an email but I never did. I called back two other times and after hearing them say that the person earlier them did it wrong, I finally got an e-mail that they were working on sending me a return label. I chosen a few times later and they kept saying it takes a week or more to go a returned label.

The next thing I knew I got an email the day before New Twelvemonth's and said they would pick up the items on New Year's Day. As well-nigh people are, I was out of town. They called on New year's day'due south Twenty-four hour period and said they were on their manner to my house to choice it up. Because I didn't have plenty time to have information technology out of the garage where it had been kept for TWO MONTHS, and I was out of town, I just told them to forget it and that I would never purchase some other particular from them and I would tell my friends my experience equally well. Worst customer service ever. Yet tin can't believe ane mirror was sent in a flimsy box and pikestaff shattered to pieces.

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Rated with 2 stars

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Original review: Jan. iii, 2019

We identified a chair and drawer unit on the display floor that we wanted to purchase. Neither detail was available when nosotros went to check out. An employee told us a sofa we wanted to buy could be bought online and shipped to us (we live two hours away) for $40. When we checked online the shipping was $200. We did purchase a kitchen stand, which we really like, but overall the experience was very disappointing and felt like a waste of time. When I contacted customer service, I was but informed that they practise non remove items from the displays when they're out of stock. So be warned that yous might discover several items y'all want to purchase only to detect out they're non actually available.

Rated with 1 star

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Verified Reviewer

Original review: Jan. 2, 2019

I buy a big order (well-nigh 2k of euros), I received a Idiot box stand broken (a big hole in the eye of the tabular array), I sent a screenshots with the bear witness of a broken tabular array. The merely solution that they provided me was: "We could give yous a 10% discount on impairment!!" Normally when something is broken I should go a 100% refund. This is how IKEA respect customers fifty-fifty after having invested a big amount of coin. That is a real shame, information technology will be the final fourth dimension that I would social club from them.

Rated with 1 star

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Verified Reviewer

Original review: Dec. 31, 2018

We alive iii hours from the store & got all the way home & unloaded our car but to find out that nosotros were missing one of our purchases. The cashier never gave us a receipt when we checked out either. I chosen customer service and the but way we tin get our purchase back is to physically go to the store. I asked if we tin can somehow show proof of buy through our banking company statement and they said no. This is very frustrating since 1 they didn't requite us a receipt & 2 the cashier never tried to get the purchase to us while we were walking abroad. I am not super impressed with the Canton, MI store annals #16 cashier that was working on 12/30/xviii.

Rated with 1 star

Verified Reviewer

Original review: Dec. 30, 2018

Went in to buy a few things I couldn't detect elsewhere. They showed in stock on the app while I was at domicile. Get to the store, they prove in stock. Get to make the buy and they are out of stock even though at that place's a whole pallet on the rack above where they were supposed to be. Asked for help from an associate and was brushed off like I didn't matter. Put the other stuff back and left. I will never get back.

Rated with 1 star

Verified Reviewer

Original review: December. 28, 2018

I asked for IKEA credit bill of fare online. I was canonical for several g dollars. The credit card was sent and activated by me. I went to the store, fabricated the offset purchase and the credit card appeared equally declined. I chosen and I was thought that the company closed my account for some reason and no communication was received. Dont buy from IKEA. This is not the way to care for customers!!!


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