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Ear Feeling and Funny Geeling in Eyes for 3 Days


Originally Posted by Lynda1234

I have a chronic sense of unbalance. Along with this problem is an odd sensation I get in my left eye. An electrical "buzzy" feeling is produced when I move my eye from right to left. It appears to be worse on my "bad" days. It's an odd sensation that eminates from my ear to eye.

Does anyone else have this?

Hi Lynda

Yes---I had that----and---think you will find---others that post here---have experienced it also.

Have you been Dx'd with an "inner ear" injury---if so the----

Below is info that I had posted a while back that maybe helpful:

......" #1 11-17-2004, 05:51 PM
Senior Veteran Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 864

Inner Ear---dizziness-and-balance


---Some thoughts---that may help in understanding---the depth and breadth of this junk---and why you may feel the way you do---and wonder how and why---a simple inner ear problem---can cause all of this stuff

---In some very primitive species lacking both a cerebrum and a cerebellum, the inner ear is the brain, performing many of the same functions performed by the cerebellum in higher species. It is thought that through evolution our cerebellum and cerebrum developed out of the vestibular system. Because of this, there is a high degree of integration between the cerebellum and the inner ear.

---The inner-ear more or less now acts as the antenna to our brain. If
this antenna is damaged (physically, chemical or virally), information to
the brain will be of poor quality. This does not mean there is anything
wrong with the TV set (our brain). The antenna (the inner-ear) , however
might need an adjustment so that the brain gets better reception.

---The vestibular system filters and fine tunes all sensory information
entering the brain--light, sound, motion, gravitational energy,
chemical information, air pressure, temperature, etc. It is responsible for
coordinating, controlling, and fine tuning our vision, hearing, balance, sense of direction, sense of motion, sense of altitude and depth, sense of smell, anxiety level, depression etc.

---The vestibular system also processes motor function. It coordinates,
controls and fine tunes all motor information leaving the brain.
Therefore it is responsible for guiding and coordinating our eyes, head, hands,
feet, limbs, etc., as well as our various mental and physical functions
voluntary and involuntary.

The inner-ear system functions:

� It acts like a gyroscope giving you your sense of balance.

� It acts like a compass, giving you your intuitive sense of

� It acts like a guided-missile system, coordinating your movements
(voluntary and involuntary) and thoughts in time and space.

� It acts like a sensory processor (or tuner), tuning in and fine
tuning all of the sensory information entering the brain including light, sound,
motion, gravity, barometric pressers, electromagnetic fields temperature,
humidity, chemicals, and so on.

� It regulates and dampens anxiety and depression.


- balance and coordination
- vision and hearing
- sense of direction
- sense of time
- motion sensitivity
- memory
- fatigue
- concentration and distractibility
- hyperactivity and overactivity
- obsessions and compulsions
- academic performance
- anxiety and depression levels


No two people present the same set of identical symptoms. It depends on which cells and circuits of the inner-ear system have been damaged. One person may have more problems with learning disabilities, another with speech, another with phobias, another with fatigue, another with ADD, another with depression but often symptoms overlap. It is even possible to have vestibular damage without having motion sick problems. A person may have difficulty with eye-tracking (reading) but be able to ride amusement park rides all day long.

It is hard for most folks to realize the depth, complications and
complexities of this thing

---what is happening and when it is happening to them is like a "near death experince"---for most

But it can be beat!!

Last edited by Subs30 : 11-17-2004 at 05:55 PM. "........


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